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Rev. biol. trop ; 66(3): 1324-1346, jul.-sep. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977388


Resumen Los trabajos sobre palpos labiales son muy escasos en Lepidoptera y requieren del uso del microscopio electrónico de barrido. Los tres artejos de los palpos labiales de la coliadina Prestonia clarki se describen e ilustran, así como la distribución de las sensilas y de sus estructuras más distintivas: la mancha sensitiva de Reuter y el órgano Palp pit; el artejo basal es de mayor longitud y el distal el de menor. Se encontraron sensilas quéticas tipo 1 en la superficie de la vista lateral externa de los tres artejos. Las sensilas son más especializadas en el parche o mancha sensitiva de Reuter y en el órgano Palp pit. En la vista lateral interna de la sección proximal del artejo basal se observó esa mancha, la cual comprende un área alargada que integra cientos de microtriquias, diferenciada en tres secciones, cuya área adyacente muestra menor número de microtriquias y de menor longitud. En un corte longitudinal del artejo distal, en su porción más apical, se observó el órgano Palp pit, con forma de botella; en su interior se alojan dos tipos de estructuras, cuya disposición fue: sensilas celocónicas en la sección basal y microtriquias en la distal. Además, se encontraron en el interior del Palp pit dos tipos sensilares de difícil determinación, se denominaron sensilas quéticas tipos 2 y 3, así como las sensilas quéticas tipo 1, localizadas en el borde del Palp pit. Los tipos encontrados y su distribución en el Palp pit coinciden con lo descrito por varios autores en otras especies de lepidópteros.

Abstract Research on labial palps of Lepidoptera is scarce and requires the use of Scanning Electron Microscopy techniques. We describe and illustrate the three segments composing the labial palps of the Coliadinae butterfly Prestonia clarki, as well as the distribution of sensilla and both of palp's distinctive structures: the Reuter's sensitive patch and the Palp pit organ; in the palps, the basal segment is the longest, and the distal segment is the shortest. We found chaetic sensilla type 1 on the lateral outer surface of the segments. In the Reuter's sensitive patch and the Palp pit organ, sensilla are specialized. In a lateral internal view of the proximal section of the basal segment, Reuter's sensitive patch looks as an elongated area with hundreds of microtrichia, differentiated into three sections; the adjacent area shows fewer microtrichia of shorter length. In a longitudinal view of the distal segment, at the apex of the segment, is the bottle-shaped Palp pit organ; inside the Palp pit are coeloconic sensilla in the basal section and microtrichia in the distal one. In addition, two indeterminate types of sensilla similar to chaetic ones were found within the Palp pit; which we called chaetic sensilla types 2 and 3; chaetic sensilla type 1 are located on the edge of the Palp pit. The sensilla types and their distribution in the Palp pit agree with those described in other species of Lepidoptera. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 1324-1346. Epub 2018 September 01.

Animals , Butterflies/classification , Classification , Lepidoptera/anatomy & histology , Mexico
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(supl.1): 317-328, feb. 2014. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-753743


Gorgona is a continental island at the Pacific coast of Colombia. For 26 years it was a prison but in 1986 it was declared a National Park, and the land was left aside for natural succession. This study presents a list of its Lepidoptera, compares it to a former study and discusses some ecological factors that could promote in situ biodiversity. Butterflies and moths were collected during three trips from October 2010 to May 2011. Butterfly observations were carried out along the main island paths. Baited traps using decomposed fruit, fish and chicken, were installed for three days at each zone (two kinds of bait per site) and sweep net catches were also made between 09:00h and 18:00h. For moths, black and white light traps were located in open areas. Town lights were also checked daily. Percent canopy cover was measured at each collection point. A total of 52 species belonging to seven families were found, of which 30 butterfly and 11 moth species are new records for the island. Cerro Trinidad and Sendero Chonta (22 and 20 species, respectively) were the richest places. Species richness did not decrease with canopy cover. Heliconious sara and Aeria eurimedia were the dominant species, but their distribution did not overlap. Three species were the most widely distributed in the island: H. sara (11 sites, 166 individuals), Calycopis cerata (10 sites, 71 individuals) and Ae. eurimedia (nine sites, 72 individuals). Catoblepia xanthicles occidentalis was found 87 years after the last report. Most species accumulation curves were not asymptotic suggesting that the diversity of the island is higher than expected. This study found twice as much the number of butterflies species reported for Gorgona and is the first record of moths for the island. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 1): 317-328. Epub 2014 February 01.

Gorgona es una isla ubicada en la costa Pacífica de Colombia. Durante 26 años fue una prisión, pero desde 1986 fue declarada Parque Nacional Natural, y desde entonces se encuentra en un proceso de sucesión natural. En este estudio se presenta una lista de los lepidópteros de isla Gorgona y se analizan algunos de los ecológicos que podrían promover la biodiversidad in situ de este grupo taxonómico. Se recolectaron mariposas y polillas durante tres viajes realizados entre octubre de 2010 y mayo de 2011. Las observaciones de las mariposas se realizaron a lo largo de los principales senderos de la isla. Se instalaron trampas cebadas con fruta, pescado y pollo descompuestos, durante tres días en cada zona de trabajo (dos tipos cebos por sitio) como también capturas con redes de entomológicas entre las 09:00h y 18:00h. En el muestreo de las polillas se utilizaron trampas de luz blanca y luz negra en zonas abiertas, la luz se reflejó sobre una pantalla blanca para maximizar la atracción. Además, se realizaron revisiones diarias en los alrededores de las luces artificiales del poblado. Se registró la cobertura del dosel del bosque en cada punto de muestreo. En total, se identificaron 52 especies pertenecientes a siete familias, de las cuales 31 de mariposa y 11 de polillas fueron nuevos registros para la isla. El Cerro Trinidad y el Sendero de la Chonta fueron los sitios de muestreo con mayor riqueza de especies (22 y 20, respectivamente). La riqueza de especies de mariposas no disminuyó con la reducción de la cobertura del dosel. Heliconious sara y Aeria eurimedia fueron las especies dominantes en número, pero su distribución no se superpuso. Tres especies fueron las más ampliamente distribuidas en la isla: H. sara (11 siitios, 166 individuos), Calycopis cerata (10 sitios y 71 individuos) y Ae . eurimedia (9 sitios y 72 individuos). Se reporta Catoblepia xanthicles occidentalis después de 87 años. La mayoría de las curvas de acumulación de especies no fueron asintóticas lo que sugiere que la diversidad de la isla es más alta de lo esperado. Este estudio contribuyó a incrementar en más del doble el listado de especies de mariposas reportadas para isla Gorgona y contiene los primeros registros de Polillas para esta localidad.

Butterflies/classification , Lepidoptera/classification , Moths/classification , Species Specificity , Colombia
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(3): 1509-1520, sep. 2013. graf, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-688492


Butterflies constitute an useful group to investigate biodiversity patterns in specific geographic areas. The aim of this study was to describe the altitudinal patterns distribution and to recognize the main grouping factors of these families. We conducted a comparative study between the butterfly fauna (Papilionidae, Pieridae and Nymphalidae) of five Mexican mountain ranges (Sierra de Manantlán, Sierra de Atoyac de Álvarez, Loxicha Region, Teocelo-Xalapa and Sierra de Juárez), that included 34 sites of altitudinal ranges from 100 to 2 820m. Data was obtained from the Zoology Museum of the National University of Mexico, and comprised more than 60 000 butterfly records of 398 taxa (subspecies level) proceeding during the last 35 years. Fauna similarity between localities were analyzed using a cluster analysis by Sorensen similarity coefficient. Species richness showed a general tendency to decrease with altitude; the main difference was found between the locality with higher altitude and the rest of the sites. The principal factors affecting the identified clusters followed this order: the location in Pacific or Atlantic slope, and location on a particular mountain range. Three altitudinal levels (low elevations, up to 1 200m; intermediate elevations, from 1 200 to 1 800m; and high elevations, from 1 800 to 2 500m) were described in accordance to their main characteristic taxa. While Neartic elements were common in the highest altitudinal floor, Neotropical taxa were common in the lowest one. It was more difficult to characterize the intermediate level in which a high number of localities were clustered; this intermediate level was characterized by the presence of some endemic species. The results suggest that historical factors are preeminent in butterfly fauna composition in these areas. Future studies may include other Mexican mountain areas to obtain more information on the different factors (latitude, altitude, slope) influencing biodiversity patterns.

Las mariposas diurnas integran uno de los grupos más utilizados para el reconocimiento y monitoreo de la diversidad de una biota. Se realizó un estudio comparativo de las faunas de mariposas de las familias Papilionidae, Pieridae y Nymphalidae de cinco áreas montañosas de México, situadas en las vertientes Atlántico y Pacífico: las sierras de Atoyac de Álvarez, Manantlán, Juárez, y las áreas de Teocelo-Xalapa y la región Loxicha, con un total de 34 localidades representativas de los cinco transectos altitudinales, que comprenden de los 300 a los 3 100m de altitud. Se observó una tendencia general a la disminución de la riqueza con la altitud. Se analizó la similitud entre el total de localidades mediante el índice de Sørensen, diferenciándose en primer lugar las dos estaciones de elevaciones superiores (sobre los 2 500msnm), caracterizadas por pobres lepidóptero-faunas. En el grupo principal (32 sitios) las principales agrupaciones se dan de acuerdo, en primer lugar, a la pertenencia a la vertiente pacífica o atlántica, evento más histórico que ecológico y, después, las estaciones de una misma sierra o según tres diferentes pisos altitudinales, que se caracterizan de acuerdo con los táxones predominantes.

Animals , Biodiversity , Butterflies/classification , Altitude , Mexico , Population Density
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(2): 711-733, Jun. 2013. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-675462


Heraclides androgeus epidaurus was described and illustrated by Godman & Salvin in 1890 based on specimens obtained in Veracruz, indicating that their distribution encompassed both the Pacific and Atlantic sides of Mexico. Later authors commented that there were morphological differences between the male wings from both populations. We analyzed, described and nominated Heraclides androgeus reyesorum ssp. nov. Vargas, Llorente & Luis distributed in the Mexican Pacific coast, based on 62 specimens, and compared it with H. a. epidaurus from the Gulf of Mexico, based on more than 200 specimens housed at UNAM: Museo de Zoología, Facultad de Ciencias and the Colección Nacional de Insectos of the Instituto de Biología, as well as some collections from the USA. The main characters were the width of the yellow and black bands on forewings in males, which had a significant difference between the populations of both sides of Mexico, although some characters were variable and showed partial overlap. In the hindwings, the differences were the extent of the subterminal lunules in dorsal and ventral view. We also analyzed the male genitalia, finding notorious differences in both sclerotic processes of the harpe. Subspecific differences between females refer to the brightness and extent of green spots on the hindwings and the extent of lunules in the ventral view. The greatest abundance of H. a. reyesorum ssp. nov. was in the tropical deciduous forest, with gallery forest and in the lower range of the cloud forest, present at altitudes of 500-800m and 1 000-1 750m, respectively. We discussed the pattern of endemism due to historical vicariant processes and explain the presence of the new subspecies of H. androgeus and other taxa of specific level.

Hemos reunido evidencia de que Heraclides está formado por dos subespecies, cada una con caracteres propios que las distinguen; analizamos, describimos y nominamos a Heraclides androgeus reyesorum ssp. nov. que se distribuye en la costa pacífica mexicana. Los principales caracteres masculinos fueron la amplitud de las bandas amarilla y negra en alas anteriores, que al cuantificarse y analizarse tuvieron una diferencia significativa entre las poblaciones de las dos vertientes de México, a pesar que algunos caracteres son variables y muestran superposición parcial. En alas posteriores las diferencias fueron la amplitud de lúnulas subterminales en vista dorsal y ventral. Se analizaron los genitales masculinos, se encontraron diferencias determinantes en los procesos esclerosados del harpagón. Las diferencias subespecíficas entre hembras se refieren al brillo y extensión de las manchas verdes en alas posteriores y a la amplitud de lúnulas en vista ventral. La mayor abundancia de H. a. reyesorum ssp. nov. fue en el bosque de galería del bosque tropical caducifolio y en el intervalo inferior del bosque mesófilo, a 500-800m y 1 000-1 750m, respectivamente. Se discute la existencia de un patrón de endemismo analizado por Halffter (1978) y Morrone & Llorente (2006) que obedece a procesos históricos vicariantes y resume la presencia de subespecies nuevas en el Pacífico como en H. androgeus y muchos otros taxones.

Animals , Female , Male , Butterflies/anatomy & histology , Butterflies/classification , Mexico
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(3): 1231-1236, Sept. 2012. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-659583


Observations of the increased frequency of melanic forms in moths of the genus Biston in Great Britain after the industrial revolution lead to the development of the theory of industrial Melanism. Nonetheless, arguments against that interpretation of the experimental evidence have polarized acceptance of the concept. New evidence based on diurnal butterflies is more credible because it involves behavior that can be seen in action, during daylight, and because the natural history of the selected species is well known. An experiment was carried out in which three substrate colors (white, black, and gray) were employed to test the landing preferences of Hamadryas feronia. A marked preference was observed for landing on white and gray, and a chi-square (N=644 tests) showed evidence of a preference by males to land on white, and for females to land on gray. Black was rejected perhaps because it provides very little background matching with the butterfly’s colors. The butterfly habit of perching selectively on particular color substrates is a genetically fixed behavior, where the males possibly choose white as a tactic to be noticed by females and attract them, whereas females prefer gray to enhance crypsis and avoid attracting predators.

Observaciones en el incremento de la frecuencia de las formas melánicas de la polilla Biston de Gran Bretaña después de la revolución industrial, llevó al desarrollo de la teoría del melanismo industrial. Sin embargo, se originaron argumentos en contra de la interpretación experimental de dicho fenómeno que llevaron a polarizar su aceptación general. Nueva evidencia basada en mariposas diurnas genera nuevas perspectivas puesto que incluye el comportamiento, que puede ser apreciado durante el día. Además, la especie seleccionada es bien conocida desde el punto de vista de su historia natural. El experimento que desarrolle consiste en tres sustratos de diferente color (blanco, negro y gris) en donde se pone a prueba la preferencia de Hamadryas feronia para posarse. Se encontró una marcada tendencia a posarse sobre el blanco y el gris, chi-cuadrado (N=644), donde los machos prefirieron el blanco y las hembras el gris. El negro fue rechazado probablemente porque ofrece muy poca defensa visual al disminuir el efecto de la coloración críptica de esta especie. El habito por parte de esta mariposa de posarse selectivamente sobre sustratos de distinto color esta fijado genéticamente, los machos posiblemente prefieren blanco como una táctica para atraer hembras y las hembras prefieren gris para aumentar el efecto de su coloración críptica y así evitar ser detectadas por los depredadores.

Animals , Female , Male , Behavior, Animal/physiology , Butterflies/physiology , Color , Choice Behavior/physiology , Butterflies/classification , Costa Rica , Sex Factors
Neotrop. entomol ; 40(5): 553-559, Sept.-Oct. 2011. ilus, mapas
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-604482


The wide range of morphological variations in the "loxurina group" makes taxa identification difficult, and despite several reviews, serious taxonomical confusion remains. We make use of DNA data in conjunction with morphological appearance and available information on species distribution to delimit the boundaries of the "loxurina" group species previously established based on morphology. A fragment of 635 base pairs within the mtDNA gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI) was analysed for seven species of the "loxurina group". Phylogenetic relationships among the included taxa were inferred using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods. Penaincisalia sigsiga (Bálint et al), P. cillutincarae (Draudt), P. atymna (Hewitson) and P. loxurina (C. Felder & R. Felder) were easily delimited as the morphological, geographic and molecular data were congruent. Penaincisalia ludovica (Bálint & Wojtusiak) and P. loxurina astillero (Johnson) represent the same entity and constitute a sub-species of P. loxurina. However, incongruence among morphological, genetic, and geographic data is shown in P. chachapoya (Bálint & Wojtusiak) and P. tegulina (Bálint et al). Our results highlight that an integrative approach is needed to clarify the taxonomy of these neotropical taxa, but more genetic and geographical studies are still required.

Animals , Butterflies/anatomy & histology , Butterflies/genetics , Wings, Animal/anatomy & histology , Butterflies/classification , Genetic Variation , Sympatry
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(3): 1433-1451, Sept. 2011. ilus, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-638171


Ecological indicators of habitat and biodiversity in a Neotropical landscape: multitaxonomic perspective. The use of indicator species to characterize specific ecological areas is of high importance in conservation/ restoration biology. The objective of this study was to identify indicator species of diverse taxa that characterize different landscape units, and to better understand how management alters species composition. We identified two ecomosaics, tropical rain forest and the agricultural matrix, each one comprised of four landscape units. The taxonomic groups studied included birds (highly mobile), butterflies (moderately mobile), terrestrial gastropods (less mobile) and trees (sessile). Sampling efficiency for both ecomosaics was ≥86%. We found 50 mollusks, 74 butterflies, 218 birds and 172 tree species, for a total of 514 species. Using ordination and cluster analysis, we distinguished three habitat types in the landscape: tropical rainforest, secondary vegetation and pastures with scattered trees and live fences. The InVal (≥50%) method identified 107 indicator species, including 45 tree species, 38 birds, 14 butterflies and 10 gastropods. Of these, 35 trees, 10 birds, four butterflies and eight gastropods were forest indicators. Additionally, 10, 28, 10 and two species, respectively per group, were characteristic of the agricultural matrix. Our results revealed a pattern of diversity decrease of indicator species along the rainforest-secondary forest-pasture gradient. in the forest, the gastropods Carychium exiguum, Coelocentrum turris, Glyphyalinia aff. indentata y Helicina oweniana were significantly correlated (p<0.05) with 90% of the other groups of flora and fauna indicator species. These findings suggest that gastropods may be good indicators of forest habitat quality and biodiversity. The secondary vegetation is an intermediate disturbance phase that fosters high diversity in the agricultural matrix. We exemplify a multitaxa approach, including mesofauna, for ecological monitoring of agricultural landscapes. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (3): 1433-1451. Epub 2011 September 01.

El uso de especies indicadoras para caracterizar unidades ecológicas específicas es de gran importancia en la biología de la conservación/restauración. El objetivo del estudio fue identificar desde una perspectiva multitaxonómica, las especies que caracterizan distintas unidades de un paisaje. Así, se diferenciaron dos ecomosaicos: bosque tropical lluvioso y matriz agropecuaria con cuatro unidades de paisaje cada uno. Se incluyeron cuatro grupos biológicos: aves (muy móviles), mariposas frugívoras diurnas (moderadamente móviles), gasterópodos terrestres (poco móviles) y árboles (sésiles). La eficiencia de muestreo en los ecomosaicos fue ≥86%. Se registraron 50 especies de moluscos, 74 de mariposas, 218 de aves y 172 de árboles, totalizando 514 especies. Mediante ordenamiento y agrupamiento, se diferenciaron tres tipos de hábitats: bosque tropical lluvioso, vegetación secundaria y potreros con árboles. Aplicando el método InVal (≥50%), se identificaron 107 especies indicadoras, de las cuales 45 fueron árboles, 38 aves, 14 mariposas y diez gasterópodos. De éstas, 35 especies de árboles, diez de aves, cuatro de mariposas y ocho de gasterópodos son indicadoras del bosque. Diez, veintiocho, diez y dos especies (de cada grupo respectivamente) caracterizaron a la matriz agropecuaria. En el bosque, los gasterópodos Carychium exiguum, Coelocentrum turris, Glyphyalinia aff. indentata y Helicina oweniana se correlacionaron significativamente (p<0.05) con 90% de las especies indicadoras. Estos gasterópodos pueden, además de diferenciar la calidad del hábitat, ser indicadoras de la biodiversidad del bosque. La vegetación secundaria representó una fase intermedia de perturbación que propicia alta riqueza en la matriz agropecuaria. De manera que se aporta una perspectiva multitaxonómica que incluye el papel de la mesofauna en el monitoreo ecológico de agropaisajes.

Animals , Biodiversity , Birds/classification , Butterflies/classification , Ecosystem , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Gastropoda/classification , Trees/classification , Tropical Climate
Neotrop. entomol ; 40(2): 231-237, Mar.-Apr. 2011. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-586661


This paper describes a new genus and a new species of Euptychiina from open grassland habitats (campos de cima da serra) in southern Brazil. The systematic position of this new taxon is discussed based on morphological and molecular data, and it is considered sister to Taydebis Freitas. Since the campos vegetation is considered endangered due to anthropogenic activities, this butterfly species deserves attention and should be included in future conservation plans for this biome.

Animals , Female , Male , Butterflies/classification , Brazil , Butterflies/anatomy & histology
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(1): 299-308, mar. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-638066


Diversity of the order Lepidoptera (Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) from Corrientes city, Argentina. Urbanization is one of the most important threats for biodiversity. Among many different organisms, butterflies are useful indicators of environment diversity and quality. The aim of this study was to investigate the Lepidoptera from Corrientes city. Random samplings were performed at two sites: a native forest situated in Santa Catalina district and an urban area, Parque Mitre. The captures were carried out using entomological nets, at four seasons between January to October 2007. A total of 1 114 butterflies, represented by six families: Hesperiidae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae and Riodinidae and 18 subfamilies were recorded. Fifty-nine genera and 75 species were identified; Anartia jatrophae jatrophae was the most abundant species at both localities. This species and Urbanus procne, Phoebis sennae marcellina, Pyrgus orcus and Dryas iulia alcionea were, among other seven, captured at all months. Highest values of abundance were registered during the warmest seasons. Santa Catalina presented the largest abundance (n=701), richness (S=74) and diversity (H’=3.87). A total of 413 individuals and 52 species were identified at Parque Mitre, and Shannon diversity index was 3.58. The obtained data reveals a high species richness and similarity at both sites. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (1): 299-308. Epub 2011 March 01.

El proceso de urbanización representa una de las amenazas más importantes a la biodiversidad. Los lepidópteros son uno de los grupos taxonómicos utilizados como indicadores de la diversidad y calidad del ambiente. El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer los Lepidoptera (Papilionoidea y Hesperioidea) de la ciudad de Corrientes. Se llevaron a cabo muestreos al azar en un parche de bosque nativo situado en el barrio Santa Catalina y en un área antropizada, el Parque Mitre. Las recolectas se realizaron en las cuatro estaciones climáticas entre enero y octubre de 2007 con redes entomológicas. El total de ejemplares capturados asciende a 1 114, los que se distribuyen en seis familias: Hesperiidae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae y Riodinidae y 18 subfamilias. Se identificaron 59 géneros y 75 especies. Anartia jatrophae jatrophae fue la especie más abundante en ambas unidades. Esta especie junto a Urbanus procne, Phoebis sennae marcellina, Pyrgus orcus y Dryas iulia alcionea se capturaron en todas las estaciones. El mayor número de ejemplares se colectó en las estaciones más cálidas. La abundancia (n=701), riqueza (S=74) y diversidad (H’=3.87) fueron superiores en Santa Catalina. Las unidades exploradas exhiben una elevada riqueza de especies y alta similitud.

Animals , Biodiversity , Butterflies/classification , Argentina , Population Density , Seasons , Urban Population
Neotrop. entomol ; 40(1): 1-13, Jan.-Feb. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-578828


We review the various proposals of evolutionary and classification schemes for Satyrinae and particularly Euptychiina butterflies, assessing progress and prospects of research for the group. Among the highlights is the proposal to include Morphini, Brassolini and Amathusiini as part of Satyrinae. Although it is clear that this hypothesis requires further investigation, phylogenetic studies recently conducted recover this clade as part of Satyrinae with high support. The phylogenetic analyses for Euptychiina carried out to date recover the monophyly of the group and have identified a variety of genera as non-monophyletic. Further work is necessary to resolve the position of the subtribe and the evolutionary relationships of several genera.

Animals , Butterflies/classification , Butterflies/anatomy & histology , Lepidoptera/classification , Phylogeny
Rev. biol. trop ; 58(1): 273-285, mar. 2010. ilus, mapas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-637823


The taxonomy and distribution of Nathalis (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Colombia. In Colombia, Nathalis has two described species: N. iole and N. plauta. Previous authors did not make detailed descriptions of its distribution in meridional regions and failed to differentiate both species based on genitalic characters. Some wing marks have been enough to separate them, but co-specificity was a possibility. They inhabit Colombia above 2000 m in the paramo, and have a vicariant distribution from the remaining population of N. iole in the Antillean and Central and North America. An analysis focused on male and female genitalia, as well as the wing pattern of more than 100 specimens from the Colombian Andes (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Sierra de Perijá) and Mexico, indicates that the two species differ in their genitalia, and considering their allopatric distribution, we support the specific distinction of N. iole and N. plauta. We describe a new endemic subspecies found exclusively in the paramo above 3000 m, an area where other endemics occur. It has phenotypic plasticity related to environmental factors. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (1): 273-285. Epub 2010 March 01.

En Colombia, Nathalis comprende dos especies descritas: N. iole y N. plauta. Autores previos no describieron detalladamente su distribución meridional y fallaron en la diferenciación de ambas especies basado en sus caracteres genitales. Algunos caracteres de su diseño alar habían sido suficientes para separarlas, pero su co-especificidad pudo ser una posibilidad. Estas habitan en Colombia, por arriba de los 2000 m en el páramo, y tienen una distribución vicariante desde poblaciones remanentes de N. iole en las Antillas y en Centro y Norteamérica. Un análisis de la variación de los genitales masculinos y femeninos, así como del diseño alar de más de 100 especímenes de los Andes Colombianos (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta y Sierra de Perijá) y México, indica que las dos especies difieren en sus genitales, y considerando su distribución alopátrida, nosotros confirmamos la distinción específica entre N. iole y N. plauta. Describimos una nueva subespecie endémica encontrada exclusivamente en el páramo por encima de los 3000 m, un área en donde se dan otros endemismos. Las especies de Nathalis presentan plasticidad fenotípica debida a factores ambientales.

Animals , Female , Male , Butterflies/anatomy & histology , Butterflies/classification , Genitalia/anatomy & histology , Colombia , Population Density , Population Dynamics
Rev. biol. trop ; 58(1): 447-463, mar. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-637835


Do live fences help conserve butterfly diversity in agricultural landscapes? In Central America, natural forests have been transformed into agriculture production areas, generating forest fragmentation, desertification, erosion and loss of biodiversity, among other concerns. Different tree cover compositions are kept on these agricultural landscapes, including scattered trees in pastures, live fences, fragments of secondary forests, and riparian forests. These can help in biodiversity conservation because they generate shelter, feeding and reproduction areas, among others. We studied the composition, richness and abundance of diurnal butterflies on two types of live fences in a landscape where pastures are predominant in Costa Rica’s Central Pacific Region. Transects (120x5m) were observed for an hour (two days/habitat) in five multi-strata fences (with several plant species, strata and canopy width) and five simple fences (with smaller and pruned trees). A total of 2 782 butterflies were observed (75 species). The most abundant species were Anartia fatima, Eurema daria, Eurema nise, Hermeuptychia hermes, Junonia evarete and Phoebis philea. Multi-strata fences had more species and can help maintain 56% of the total species observed in secondary and riparian forests. This type of live fence can play an important role in butterfly conservation in livestock areas, and its benefits are influenced by the manner in which farmers manage their land. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (1): 447-463. Epub 2010 March 01.

En Centro América, los paisajes agropecuarios mantienen diferentes formas de cobertura arbórea como árboles dispersos, cercas vivas, fragmentos de bosque, bosques ribereños, que pueden generar hábitats apropiados para la conservación de la biodiversidad. El presente estudio caracterizó la composición, riqueza y abundancia de mariposas en dos tipos de cercas vivas presentes en un paisaje dominado por pasturas en el Pacifico Central de Costa Rica. Se seleccionaron un total de cinco cercas vivas por cada tipo de cerca (simples y multiestrato), donde se establecieron franjas de 120x5m que fueron recorridos por espacio de una hora durante dos días/hábitat. Se registró un total de 2 782 individuos, pertenecientes a 75 especies de mariposas. Las especies más abundantes fueron: Anartia fatima, Eurema daría, E. nise, Hermeuptychia hermes, Junonia evarete y Phoebis philea. Las cercas vivas multiestrato presentaron una mayor riqueza y abundancia de especies de mariposas que las cercas vivas simples. Las cercas vivas multiestrato pueden ayudar a mantener el 56% de las especies encontradas en los bosques secundarios y ribereños. Este tipo de cerca viva pueden jugar un papel importante para la conservación de mariposas en áreas de producción pecuaria, y su beneficio está influenciado por el tipo manejo que realizan los productores.

Animals , Biodiversity , Butterflies/physiology , Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Trees , Butterflies/classification , Population Density
Rev. biol. trop ; 57(supl.1): 31-67, nov. 2009. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-637923


Costa Rica’s most populated area, the Central valley, has lost much of its natural habitat, and the little that remains has been altered to varying degrees. Yet few studies have been conducted to assess the need for conservation in this area. We present preliminary inventories of plants, butterflies, and day-flying moths of the Reserva Ecológica Leonelo Oviedo (RELO), a small Premontane Moist Forest preserve within the University of Costa Rica campus, located in the urbanized part of the valley. Butterflies are one of the best bio-indicators of a habitat’s health, because they are highly sensitive to environmental changes and are tightly linked to the local flora. A description of the RELO’s physical features and its history is also presented with illustrations. Approximately 432 species of ca. 334 genera in 113 families of plants were identified. However, only 57 % of them represent species native to the Premontane Moist Forest of the region; the rest are either exotic or species introduced mostly from lowland. More than 200 species of butterflies in six families, including Hesperiidae, have been recorded. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (Suppl. 1): 31-67. Epub 2009 November 30.

Por ser el área más poblada del país, el valle Central de Costa Rica perdió su hábitat natural; lo poco que queda ha sido alterado en grados variados. Sin embargo, se han realizado algunos estudios para evaluar la necesidad de conservación en esta área. Se presentan inventarios preliminares de plantas, mariposas y polillas diurnas de la Reserva Ecológica Leonelo Oviedo (RELO); una pequeña reserva de bosque húmedo premontano en del campus de la Universidad de Costa Rica, ubicado en la parte urbanizada del valle. Las mariposas diurnas son uno de los mejores bio-indicadores de la salud del hábitat, porque son muy sensibles a los cambios del ambiente y están estrechamente ligadas a la flora local. Se presenta también una descripción de los caracteres físicos y la historia de la RELO, con ilustraciones. Se identificaron aproximadamente 432 especies de ca. 334 géneros en 113 familias de plantas. Sin embargo, solamente 57% de ellas son especies nativas del bosque húmedo premontano de la región; el resto son especies exóticas o introducidas en su mayoría desde tierras bajas. Se han registrado más de 200 especies de mariposas diurnas en seis familias, incluyendo Hesperiidae.

Plants/classification , Butterflies/classification , Lepidoptera/classification , Moths/classification , Universities , Costa Rica , Biodiversity , Rainforest , Conservational Biological Control
Rev. biol. trop ; 56(4): 1677-1716, Dec. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-637772


Papilionoidea from Sierra de Huautla, Morelos and Puebla, México (Insecta: Lepidoptera). The Cuenca del Balsas region has significant biodiversity and endemicity of its herpetofauna, avifauna and vascular plants. Despite this, our knowledge of the Papilionoidea of the region is poor. We analyzed the local and temporal distribution of Papilionoidea at 24 localities in the states of Morelos and Puebla. The study sites are situated between 900 and 1300 m. a. s. l., and are composed of dry tropical forest (dtf). We recorded 8790 individuals of 83 genera and 142 species of Papilionoidea (sensu Kristensen, 1975), over 79 days of field work, with 2-4 days at each of the 24 localities. Twenty five species were newly recorded for the state of Puebla. Our data render Morelos and Puebla among the seven richest Mexican states, in terms of Papilionoidea diversity. Our results show that the Sierra de Huautla has the lowest diversity, but the highest standard abundance, compared to other Mexican regions with similar vegetation. Patterns of diversity and seasonal abundance are atypical, in that individuals of many species are unusually abundant during the wet months. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (4): 16771716. Epub 2008 December 12.

La Cuenca del Balsas es una región singular donde se encuentra una representación significativa de la riqueza y el endemismo de la flora, la herpetofauna y la avifauna mexicanas. Sin embargo, es escaso el conocimiento respecto a los papilionoideos (Lepidoptera), en especial aquellos asociados con la selva baja caducifolia. Aquí se presenta un estudio sobre la distribución local y temporal de los Papilionoidea de la cuenca alta en su vertiente oriental al río Balsas, en particular de la sierra de Huautla y áreas adyacentes. Se efectuaron 25 periodos de trabajo en campo para 24 localidades de sbc de los estados de Morelos y Puebla, ubicadas en altitudes entre los 900 y 1300 m. Se capturaron 8790 ejemplares que corresponden a 83 géneros y 142 especies de Papilionoidea (sensu Kristensen, 1975: Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae y Lycaenidae) 18 endémicas a México, además 25 especies constituyen nuevos registros para Puebla. Con este trabajo, ambos estados se ubican entre los siete más ricos de México. En el análisis de la distribución local de la riqueza y la abundancia de los Papilionoidea, se encontró que la sierra de Huautla es la que presenta la menor riqueza con respecto a otras regiones con sbc y uno de los valores más altos de abundancia estandarizada. El Tepehuaje (Morelos) fue la localidad donde se encontraron los valores máximos de todo el estudio. La lepidopterofauna de la sierra de Huautla presenta un patrón estacional atípico de la riqueza, mientras que su abundancia tiene un comportamiento claramente estacional en el que las poblaciones de papilionoideos fueron bastante mayores durante la época húmeda.

Animals , Biodiversity , Butterflies/classification , Trees , Mexico , Population Density , Population Dynamics , Tropical Climate
Rev. biol. trop ; 56(3): 1309-1341, sep. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-637866


Distribution of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) from Mexico State, Mexico. The State of Mexico is a region with great biological diversity, owing to its geographical and ecological features. Regarding Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea, 15 % of the Mexican species are recorded in the State of Mexico, 17 % of which are endemic to the country. A checklist of the two superfamilies for the State of Mexico was integrated, based on published literature and databases at the Museo de Zoología of the Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM. The checklist is composed by six families, 22 subfamilies, 197 genera and 325 species (95 Hesperiidae, 19 Papilionidae, 35 Pieridae, 54 Lycaenidae, 20 Riodinidae, and 102 Nymphalidae). A list of each species is presented, including collecting localities, flight month, and whether data correspond to scientific collection records or literature. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (3): 1309-1341. Epub 2008 September 30.

El Estado de México posee características geográfico-ecológicas que lo hacen una región de gran diversidad biológica; respecto a Hesperioidea y Papilionoidea posee el 15% de las especies registradas para México, del cual el 17% son endémicas para el país. Con base en la información bibliográfica y la consulta de la base de datos del Museo de Zoología de la Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, se integró la lista de las dos superfamilias para el Estado de México; esta se compone de seis familias, 22 subfamilias, 197 géneros y 325 especies (95 Hesperiidae, 19 Papilionidae, 35 Pieridae, 54 Lycaenidae, 20 Riodinidae y 102 Nymphalidae). De cada especie se anexó la lista de localidades de recolecta, vuelo, la colección donde están depositados los ejemplares, o la cita de la cual se tomó el dato.

Animals , Butterflies/classification , Mexico , Population Density , Population Dynamics
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 8(1): 141-149, jan.-mar. 2008. mapas, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-488476


Visando contribuir para conhecimento sistematizado da composição e distribuição da fauna de borboletas da região Sudeste do Rio Grande do Sul, entre abril de 2003 e janeiro de 2004, foram realizadas expedições para cinco locais na Serra do Sudeste. A composição de espécies de Nymphalidae, Papilionidae e Pieridae foi comparada aos registros existentes para as áreas adjacentes, na Encosta Sudeste e Litoral Sul, em Pelotas e seus arredores. No total de 289 horas-rede de amostragem, foram registrados 2.326 indivíduos e 81 espécies: 59 Nymphalidae, 12 Papilionidae e 10 Pieridae. Para a região adjacente, os trabalhos anteriores listam 138 espécies. Compilando-se ambas as fontes, obtém-se para a região Sudeste do Estado, 152 espécies: 110 Nymphalidae, 14 Papilionidae e 28 Pieridae. Do total de espécies, 14 (9 por cento) ocorreram apenas na Serra do Sudeste e 71 (47 por cento) em Pelotas e seus arredores. Os resultados apresentam a composição peculiar da lepidopterfauna da Serra Sudeste, e corroboram a importância biológica desta área do Estado.

To contribute to the knowledge on the composition and distribution of the butterfly fauna of the Southeastern region of Rio Grande do Sul state (RS), five areas at Serra do Sudeste were sampled between April/2003 and January/2004. The species composition of Nymphalidae, Papilionidae and Pieridae was compared with existing records for the contiguous areas at the foot of Serra do Sudeste and the South Coast Plain (Pelotas and surroundings). In a total of 289 net-hours of sampling at Serra do Sudeste, 2.326 individuals in 81 species were recorded: 59 Nymphalidae, 12 Papilionidae and 10 Pieridae. Literature data available for the adjacent areas lists 138 species. Putting both sources together, a total of 152 species are now registered for the Southeast Region of RS: 110 Nymphalidae, 14 Papilionidae and 28 Pieridae. Amongst these species, 14 (9 percent) occur only in Serra do Sudeste, and 71 (47 percent) only at the contiguous areas. The results demonstrate the peculiar composition of Serra do Sudeste lepidopterofauna and emphasize the biological importance of this area of Rio Grande do Sul.

Arthropods/classification , Biodiversity , Butterflies/classification , Classification , Ecosystem/analysis , Ecosystem/classification , Insecta
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 8(1): 151-158, jan.-mar. 2008. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-488477


Este trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a composição, riqueza e diversidade das borboletas encontradas na área do campus Camobi da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. As amostragens foram realizadas bimestralmente de setembro de 2005 a setembro de 2006, com esforço amostral padronizado em cerca de sete horas/rede entomológica/ocasião. No total de 113 horas de amostragem, foram registrados 872 indivíduos, distribuídos em 89 espécies. Do total de indivíduos, 575 (65,9 por cento) pertencem à família Nymphalidae, 174 (19,9 por cento) a Hesperiidae, 88 (10,1 por cento) Pieridae, 21 (2,4 por cento) Lycaenidae, 10 (1,2 por cento) Papilionidae e quatro (0,5 por cento) Riodinidae. Do total de espécies, 40 (44,9 por cento) pertencem à família Nymphalidae, 25 (28,1 por cento) à Hesperiidae, 11 (12,4 por cento) Pieridae, oito (8,9 por cento) Lycaenidae, três (3,4 por cento) Papilionidae e duas (2,3 por cento) Riodinidae. As cinco espécies mais abundantes do campus Camobi foram Pyrgus orcus (Stoll, 1780) (N = 78) (Hesperiidae) e os Nymphalidae Hermeuptychia hermes (Fabricius, 1775) (N = 70), Anartia amathea roeselia (Eschscholtz, 1821) (N = 55), Vanessa braziliensis (Moore, 1883) (N = 51) e Heliconius erato phyllis (Fabricius, 1775) (N = 51). Destas, apenas H. hermes e V. braziliensis, consideradas comuns em campos ou ambientes abertos, não são características de ambientes perturbados. Estudos anteriores registraram mais 12 espécies de borboletas, elevando a riqueza local de espécies para 101. Apesar de estar sujeito a forte ação antrópica, o campus Camobi ainda é capaz de abrigar uma fauna expressiva de borboletas.

This work aimed to investigate the composition, richness and diversity of butterflies from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, campus area of Camobi, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. The field work was performed bimonthly from September 2005 to September 2006, with standardized effort of seven hours/entomological net/occasion. 872 individuals from 89 species were registred on 113 hours: 575 (65.9 percent) from Nymphalidae, 174 (19.9 percent) from Hesperiidae, 88 (10.1 percent) Pieridae, 21 (2.4 percent) Lycaenidae, 10 (1.2 percent) Papilionidae and four (0.5 percent) Riodinidae. 40 (44.9 percent) species were from Nymphalidae, 25 (28.1 percent) Hesperiidae, 11 (12.4 percent) Pieridae, 8 (8.9 percent) Lycaenidae, three (3.4 percent) Papilionidae and two (2.3 percent) Riodinidae. The five most abundant species from Camobi campus were Pyrgus orcus (Stoll, 1780) (N = 78) (Hesperiidae) and Nymphalidae Hermeuptychia hermes (Fabricius, 1775) (N = 70), Anartia amathea roeselia (Eschscholtz, 1821) (N = 55), Vanessa braziliensis (Moore, 1883) (N = 51) and Heliconius erato phyllis (Fabricius, 1775) (N = 51). Only H. hermes and V. braziliensis, typical from grasslands and open habitats, are not characteristic of disturbed environments. Previous studies registered 12 more butterfly species, raising local species richness to 101. Although strongly human impacted, the Camobi campus is still able to sustain an expressive butterfly fauna.

Biodiversity , Butterflies/anatomy & histology , Butterflies/classification , Classification , Fauna/analysis , Ecosystem/analysis , Ecosystem/classification
Rev. bras. entomol ; 52(2): 283-288, 2008. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-486022


Neste estudo é apresentada uma listagem atualizada com 335 espécies de borboletas Hesperiidae encontradas no Distrito Federal (Brasil central), incluindo dados da bibliografia, de várias coleções entomológicas e de coletas dos autores. Espécies de ocorrência apenas presumida não foram incluídas. Apresenta-se também uma lista suplementar com 32 espécies endêmicas do bioma Cerrado, das quais 27 foram encontradas no Distrito Federal.

An updated list containing 335 species of skippers (Hesperiidae) found in the Distrito Federal (central Brazil), including data obtained from the literature, from several entomological collections, and from collecting of the authors, is presented. Species with presumed distribution in the region are not included. It is presented too, a supplementary list with 32 endemic species occuring in the Cerrado vegetation, from which 27 were found in the Distrito Federal.

Animals , Biodiversity , Butterflies/classification , Grassland , Tropical Climate , Species Specificity
Rev. bras. entomol ; 51(3): 301-304, jul.-set. 2007. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-466113


Parides bunichus almas ssp.nov. é descrita com base em material coletado no Pico das Almas, Rio de Contas, Bahia, Brasil.

Parides bunichus almas ssp.nov. is described from Pico das Almas, Rio de Contas, Bahia, Brazil.

Animals , Male , Female , Butterflies/classification , Brazil , Species Specificity
Rev. bras. entomol ; 51(2): 187-189, 2007. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-458094


Parides klagesi (Ehrmann, 1904), uma espécie descrita da Venezuela, tem a sua ocorrência confirmada para o Brasil (Pará e Maranhão).

Parides klagesi (Ehrmann, 1904), a species described from Venezuela, has its geographical distribution confirmed to Brazil (Pará and Maranhão).

Animals , Male , Female , Brazil , Butterflies/classification , Residence Characteristics , Tropical Climate , Species Specificity